(Holy God, we praise Thy Name!)
Dear Child, your suffering is for only a time. I will restore your vitality and health again. Your PRAISE even while your hurting is testimony of your FAITH in Me. Thank you. (Oh dear Jesus, thank You for taking such good care of Your Children, all those with crosses to bare. You are faithful to provide us with everything we need when we put You FIRST and TRUST You with our whole heart. Thank You for giving Yourself to us and for Your Holy Word. The BIBLE is the most precious thing I own. Let me never be without it.) You, My Children are most precious to Me. Stay close, talk to Me, listen to Me. I am with you, in your heart all the time.
I love you. (T.Y.J. I love You too.)
Your PRAISE even while your hurting is testimony of your FAITH in Me.