(Thank You Lord for all the peace, patience, and favor You showed me yesterday. You are absolutely remarkable! And Your precious Holy Spirit guided me in all that I was questioning. I saw a lot of Miracles again yesterday. You are so good to Your Children.)
Dear Child, this is My Promise to all who believe in Me and seek to grow ever stronger in the knowledge of My all encompassing LOVE. When difficult situations come up, remember WHO is in CHARGE. If you do that, you will not be fearful or fret about unanswered questions.
You will talk to Me about them and TRUST Me to be in CONTROL with your best in mind. The more My Children steadfastly TRUST Me, the more opportunities you will have to see My Miracle Power at work in real time, in real action, in true reality. You can ALWAYS count on Me.
When difficult situations come up, remember WHO is in CHARGE.