Dear Child, be at peace. My Peace I give you. Again, you were given the opportunity to personally witness My comfort, guidance, and favor throughout your ordeal. I am able to intimately show My Children how wonderful they can traverse trials with complete assurance and peace.
You kept your mind on Me. You read My Words you had previously prepared for an occasion just like this, when you did not have access to the Bible. You had notes to reflect on while waiting in emergency for answers to your condition.
Therefore, you had My Peace Beyond Understand! You talked to Me and were praising Me all day while waiting. You prayed Psalms you had memorized over the years, while lying there waiting for several hours.
(Oh, how wonderful You are, dear Lord God! Again, I am overwhelmed with love and appreciation for knowing You, for believing in Your Word literally, and for actually feeling Your hand holding me up and guiding me in difficult times. You are so good to Your Children who give of themselves in Worship, Praise, and who study to KNOW YOU more and more. Thank You, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!)
I am able to intimately show My Children how wonderful they can traverse trials with complete assurance and peace.