(I just have to thank You again, Jesus, for putting us near the prettiest cluster of multicolored Fall trees and for clearing out the motorhomes around us so we have an even better forest view. This trip is a strong additional confirmation that I must come to You when I don ‘t know what to do and ask…..BUT…..then I must LISTEN and BELIEVE. T.Y.J.)
(Satan, in Jesus Name, I rebuke you and the pain in my ankle, leg and knee. Lord, I accept my total healing right now, so satan….BUZZ OFF!!! You are a liar and deceiver!! I am totally healed from this moment on!!! T.Y.J.!!!) My Children, you KNOW Me, so let Me bring you into the Kingdom service to feed Heaven souls that would otherwise certainly perish. Let Me carry you to the place of selflessness that will enable you to see the suffering needs of others. Each new days desire should be to bring as many as possible into the Kingdom. I have all of your homes prepared and waiting for you to join Me in Heaven, but please be devoted to bringing as many as possible with you.
I have your homes prepared…but please be devoted to bringing as many as possible with you.