(Thank You, Dear Jesus, for giving us this perfect camping spot even though on the phone they had said they were all gone. Thank You for honoring Your Word today. The fog was getting so thick driving in the mountains but I spoke to You Father, Creator of the universe, in Your Son Jesus’ Name, to clear the way for us so we could see to drive safely. The moment I spoke these words in authority believing they were true, the fog dissipated. All I know is that we never had that problem the rest of the trip. Later I found out they had been predicting heavy fog in the mountains. T.Y.J.)
(When I saw the camping spot you gave us and the weather there, it was just another confirmation that whenever you tell me to do or not do something, I must listen and obey for all the Blessings coming to me and others as a direct result of OBEDIENCE. Thank You again! You held the rain back until we let Fluffy out. That made it a lot easier and very pleasant to walk the half block to the puppy park. All the wonderful little things You do for us in answer to prayers are much appreciated. T.Y.J.) My Child, I am so happy to shower you with good things, fun innocent pleasures. You see all of it directly from Me and that pleases the Father greatly. Instead of going about in darkness, I want My Children to know and see things to come, but in My due season. My Children should not try to figure things out about the future. Rather, COME TO ME, CALL ON ME to tell the truth of what you need to know to carry out the Father’s Will.
…I want My Children to know and see things to come, but in My due season.