Dear Lord, there is no life worth living without You and Your precious Holy Spirit.
(When I stop and remember years back how I was guided and protected by the Holy Spirit, I look back with awe and thanksgiving. I see how protective You were over me and how I was prompted to move in the direction of the Father’s Plan. I see how You let me go for a season where I wanted and then gently lead me to move in the path of His ultimate plan.
(The whole experience has been wonderful, even the hard times. Most importantly and most impressionable are the memories of how close You always were in caring and leading me to my best and to the awareness of WHO loved me most. Thank You for the wonderful life you have given me, that of experiencing the continuance of Your Divine Loving companionship and care along each step of the way.)
Dear Child, all of Heaven rejoices when My Children see through the trials and hardships of life to the attention to detail that I have expressed along the way. My Children who talk to Me, spend time with Me in worship, those who truly love Me, will always feel and know that I am with them ALL the time. They know they can ask anything of Me and I will lead and help them with anything and everything. You are My priority, especially when you make Me yours.
It is a GIFT to KNOW YOU!