(I received this message in 2004. Remember, a thousand years is as a day to the Lord.)
Dear Children, this is a time of grave importance because Satan is waging a war against all that is good and decent in this world. I am here to help you prevent this take over, but you must STAND UP BOLDLY before those self-centered, mediocre, convenient, lewd mores that are sabotaging the goodness of this world.
I know it seems impossible to make a difference when so many of the people with influence are just out for what they want at any cost. Government leaders, school leaders, parents…..some of whom make decisions based on their position and favor above the good of the people. This is what has brought the PEACE in your lives into great jeopardy.
Those who are out just for themselves or out for whatever feels good without considering consequences will be the downfall of your world…..UNLESS…..you, My Children, STAND UP and speak up for what you believe. Do not let them take away from you and your children what you enjoyed as a child, young adult, and as an adult.
If you, Children of Faith, do not rise up and defend My Principles of Godly living, the world for your children will be heavy lade with sorrow and trials. I do not want this, but I cannot stop it because of your freewill…..UNLESS…..My Children take part in leading others back to Me and Godly living.
Goodness, which is, kindness, integrity, unselfishness, honesty, sacrifice, and putting your fellowman first in all things. These heartfelt changes and actions will save souls and save your lives from defeat here on earth. Please wake up to the seriousness of My plea! Your freewill keeps Me from taking over.
Please CHOOSE to ACT NOW before it is too late!