Dear Child, do not be afraid to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit.
If you look at it and think, “This is going to be a lot of work.” Just remember, when you step out in FAITH to begin the task in OBEDIENCE, the POWER of the Holy Spirit takes over. You are not doing the Father’s work in your own strength. If you were, you would tire and give up. Be appraised of your significance in the scope of God’s Plan for the Salvation of the world. Your participation, serious diligent devotion, dear Children, is critical to the lost souls. Prepare to face more challenges while serving in this “Army of Believers. ” Follow your heart. Keep vigilant. Act quickly on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, TRUSTING FAITHFULLY all that you KNOW about your loving Father, Brother and Comforter.
Act quickly on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, TRUSTING FAITHFULLY…