(Lord, thank You for a wonderful time with My sisters. Thank You for giving me such a loving family. We have so much fun together. Dear Jesus, You know I love You, but I am sorry I didn’t spend my normal prayer time with You during this week. Usually, we do; I don’t know what happened this time. Please have mercy on us. (Lord Jesus, please don’t let this pain in my upper chest and throat, that I’ve been having while my sisters were here, be a big problem. Please fix it without causing my husband worry. Please don’t let him have to deal with emergency rooms or going to the hospital late at night. Please take care of it uneventfully for him.) Oh dear Child, I will always take care of you. I am watching out for you and watching over you all the time. When absolutely anything happens to you, I know about it; I have allowed it. If you are close to Me, as you should be, you will know to thank Me for things just the way they are, rebuke satan’s lies, and Praise Me for a Blessed outcome. If you are CLOSE to ME, your Peace will be evident to you and others. I am your everything! I am all sufficient to meet your every need! Therefore, never fear or even be concerned.
COME TO ME! CALL ON Me with all thanksgiving KNOWING I AM IN CONTROL.
When absolutely anything happens to you, I know about it; I have allowed it.