Hear Me, Children on earth, who are caught up in the things of the world. Take heed of what is happening around you. Your safety and security in an atmosphere you have been comfortable in all your life is on the verge of failure. Those who wish you harm are a very hateful people. Greed and selfishness are at the core of their self destructive actions. But since My Children do not speak up…..stand up for Me as a united front, there has been no stopping these actions of satan. Pray, voice, lead others to question their convictions and what they believe in. Do something to stop the influx of secular laws taking over what has always been a Godly country. If you do not ACT in My behalf, I cannot ACT in yours. The Father said for you to show the world by word and action who you are. Your proclamation of Godly principles will keep America civilized. Without conduct showing respect and responsibility, society will fail and evil will take over. Heed these words before you cry to Me in desperation and I cannot help you. Decide what is important and take action to protect it. ACT NOW! Do not wait for the next person to do something! You, each of you, ACT NOW on MY BEHALF so I can ACT on YOUR BEHALF as promised by the Father.
ACT NOW on MY BEHALF so I can ACT on YOUR BEHALF promised by the Father.