(Thank You, Dear Jesus, for all Your perfect guidance. I love and need You so.)
My Child, remembering how I healed your back by lengthening your leg shall serve to be an anchor of faith when I ask you to pray for others. Remember how you fasted, how you made sure you didn’t have unforgiveness in your heart for anyone, and how you had others pray for you while anointing you with oil? I am about to send you out to pray.
Do you remember how you EXPECTED TO BE HEALED because you had done all that My WORD told you to do? You spoke healing scripture into your soul. I am waiting to heal all those who will ask and BELIEVE—having NO DOUBT. I am sure I can count on your faith in Me. Remember, you don’t have to be afraid or embarrassed or concerned about nothing happening. You only need PRAY when I ask, BELIEVE having NO DOUBT and EXPECT the MIRACLE POWER of HEALING to flow FROM Me THROUGH you TO the person you are praying for.
I am waiting to heal all those who will ask and BELIEVE—having NO DOUBT.