(Dear Jesus, I want to thank You for all Your Blessings, for my answered prayers. Thank You for my knowing and realizing it more and more that I must not let circumstances in life upset me, but just come to You. Thank You for always taking care of everything.)
My Child, the more often you turn to Me, the faster you turn to Me, the greater the opportunity for you to see My awesome POWER at work…..never forsaking you…..never letting you down….EVER! What PEACE and JOY comes to a persons life when the burdens are lifted from their shoulders. This is what I want for everyone who believes in Me.
Love and Joy should engulf My Children ‘s lives more and more as they grow through spending more and more time in My Presence. To do THIS: be conscious of Me and how close I am to your every thought. Say My Name, Jesus, all during the day. This will create an atmosphere of Peace, Love and Joy…..My GIFT to you.
Rest in the knowledge of the Mastery of My Father. His Will and Plans are Perfect, so no matter what He CALLS you to, follow willingly, confidently and PEACEFULLY. There is no need to fret because, if you go in a direction against His Will, your PEACE IS GONE! You ‘ll KNOW! Go forward, as the Holy Spirit leads, with childlike TRUST. I ‘ll stop you before you do anything that ‘s not from the Father.
Now, with this knowledge, don ‘t ever put off what you hear in your heart because your afraid it ‘s not from Me. Go forward—let Me guide, direct and be responsible to My Father for your obedient actions. Don ‘t forget THIS! You ‘ve had two big situations where I told you to do something and you put it off because of reservations…..distrust! You see how PERFECT both these areas turned out. Remember these when I ask you the next time to do something above your expectations or beyond your experience, OBEY IMMEDIATELY! Show Me you have learned a deeper level of TRUST. Don ‘t make Me take you through the lesson again. Remember, keep in mind how it wore you out until you finally obeyed just because you couldn’t stand it any longer. Learn from and build on past training so I can teach you and use you more. (Thank You, Jesus.)
…when I ask you…to do something above your expectations or beyond your experience, OBEY IMMEDIATELY!