(Father, I adore You and I lay my life before You. Jesus, thank You for sacrificing and dying for me. Holy Spirit, thank You for living inside me, even in wickedness and sharing Your Wisdom that draws me closer to the Father.)
Be clear about the meaning of giving your Will over to Me. Let others know that, when they do this, there will be no reason to fear or be anxious in life again because I then can work My Perfect Plan for their life. There is no risk; there is only SECURITY.
You see, I only want the BEST for those who can lay down their Will to desire Mine. The reward is great; the teaching from the Holy Spirit is great. The feelings of completeness and satisfaction are tremendous…..not to be described…..ONLY EXPERIENCED. Follow Me with your hearts open…..vulnerable. Rest in the knowledge of splendor awaiting you in your Heavenly Home. Be with Me here on earth more and more so you can, even NOW, witness the warm cozy blanket of My LOVE wrapped around you.
Be with Me here on earth more and more so you can, even NOW, witness the warm cozy blanket of My LOVE wrapped around you.