Dear Children, I do not advise your traveling the road of life alone. You do not know the dangers, pitfalls, or the advantages and good opportunities that lie ahead. If you stay close to Me, believe in Me and consult Me along life’s journey, you can avoid dangers and mistakes that can lead you to make bad decisions and miss My Path aligned with Blessings, Progress, Joy, and My Peace.
Each day, you must decide to follow Me or yourself. Without Me there is stress, restlessness, distrust, and uncertainty. I want to give you a LIFE confident of HOPE and PEACE beyond the understanding of man. I want to give you a special deliverance from the weight of worldly problems by calling you to SEEK My Face, My Love.
My Supernatural Wisdom will strengthen and embolden your countenance, your world achievements, and your witness for My Kingdom. COME! SPEND TIME WITH ME! Let Me share all I have with you. Read My Word, Holy Scripture, to know Me better. Go in My Peace I give you.
You can avoid dangers and mistakes that can lead you to make bad decisions and miss My Path aligned with Blessings, Progress, Joy, and My Peace.