(Dear Lord, when I look back on my life, I see so many times that You gave me Your strength and a vivid awareness of Your Presence guiding me and taking care of me. Thank You so much for loving me. I know it is a free gift—nothing I earned. You just created me and love me. I pray that I can stay committed to obedience as Your Holy Spirit Calls me to Your service.
(Thank You for all the blessings throughout my life. Thank You for our relationship. I can only imagine the gapping void there would be in my heart, in my life, if I was living in this world without You. You are my Rock! You truly are everything I need in every situation; every mountain and every valley. You are my Hope, my Peace, my Guide, and my Assurance of Salvation—-my Gift of Everlasting Life!
(Thank You, Father God, Jesus Christ son of God, and Holy Spirit, person of revelation knowledge, teacher, deliverer of inspirational enlightening POWER, and provider of a very personal loving, dependable companionship with Almighty God, the TRINITY.)
I can only imagine the gapping void there would be in my heart, in my life, if I was living in this world without You. You are my Rock!