All things work to the good for those who love and trust the Lord.
This is a true Scripture that man can count on, but before it can take affect, a person has to lay down his WILL and give his LIFE to Me. His plans, desires, fears, ambitions…..all of it has to be let go of and laid at My feet as a holy sacrifice of SURRENDER.
When My Children do this, I can act on their behalf. I can then intervene and bring about change in their lives. Things may not seem to go as you want, but I promise I will work things out to the good for those who trust Me completely. By really letting go and focussing on Me, by spending time daily with Me, Miracles will happen. Only with complete TRUST can Miracles happen in your life. Follow My precepts above everything you hear in the world. Be Honest, be Humble, be Other Minded, be in Constant Worship, so I can direct your feet in every aspect of your life. Make Me a priority so I can Bless you with the Father ‘s Perfect Plan for your life. Make Me the reason you get up in the morning. This kind of devotion warrants the Father’s Blessing, which if handled prudently, will lead you to find, follow and stay on the Father’s Path.
Only with complete TRUST can Miracles happen in your life.