(Holy Spirit, help me to)
“say only what is GOOD and HELPFUL to those I am speaking to and what will give them a BLESSING. ” Ephesians 4:29. (Holy Spirit, help me to be) “quick to listen and slow to speak. “
James 1:19 When they are SILENT, pray before speaking. When they are TALKING, pray before responding. In this way, your speaking comes under the CONTROL of the Holy Spirit! “…be KIND to each other, TENDERHEARTED. ”
Ephesians 4:32 (Help me, Holy Spirit, to not interrupt when others are speaking. This diminishes their importance.) Relax! Let them speak, even when you know what they are going to say. They want to express their thoughts too. Listen more closely saying Jesus. Validate what they have said before responding, letting them know you have received what they said.
(Holy Spirit, help me to act, talk, think, and feel on behalf of others. Help me to focus on pleasing God more than myself.) “Jesus consecrates Himself to my need for growth and holiness.”
John 18:19 Thank Goodness!!!
Jesus consecrates Himself to my need for growth and holiness