My desire for you, My Child, is to continue with the task I have given you…..the website. I know you cannot see the good it will produce, but after all, it is My Plan. You, My Children, please remember that when I ask you to do something for Me, you needn ‘t be concerned with the outcome. Just OBEY and TRUST. In time, you will see the Miracle POWER of the Holy Spirit come to fruition according to the Plan of the Father. Don ‘t question…..just OBEY! My existence on this earth was for one purpose only…..that of SAVING YOUR SOUL. Everything I ask you to do has only one purpose…..that of SAVING SOULS. The Father ‘s PLan is PERFECT! Act without hesitation when He CALLS! Go in peace and serve with your whole being.
Everything I ask you to do has only one purpose….that of SAVING SOULS.