(Thank You, Jesus, for bringing me to a place where I can do the things You ‘ve CALLED me to do in spite of me.)
My Children are always going to be fighting the world with its distractions and human frailties. Only through Me can any of the Father ‘s Plan be executed on this earth. Living with a desire to grow and obey your CALLING is all I need to accomplish His Will for you. Remember, all I need is a willing, trusting, obedient vessel in which to work Miracles and touch peoples hearts that will bring many to the realization of their existence. Many will come to know what I have waiting for them as obedient Children of Mine continue to seek Me daily.
Yours is a wonderful life, all who believe in Me, because you KNOW I will take care of all uncertainties that arise. You can come to Me with everything and anything; I will bring you through unscathed as long as you keep your eyes on Me instead of the problem. Don ‘t hesitate to call on Me for help in the tiniest most unimportant little problem that you have; I want to be your SOURCE of assurance in every circumstance.
…all I need is a willing, trusting, obedient vessel in which to work Miracles and touch peoples hearts.