Nov.3rd: (Getting Web site caught up all day.)
Nov.4th: (Thank You, Jesus, for promising to perform this work in Your strength and in Your Wisdom. Today, I am going to begin again on the Miracle book after laying it down for four months.)
Dear Child, remember this: your strength is My strength; your insightful fortitude (a quality of character combining courage and staying power) is directly from Me; your determination is inspired by Me; your courage to proceed is My courage; your faith in Me is a gift from Me. The only thing that you and you alone have a stake in is your freewill decision to OBEY in going forward to complete this project assigned to you from the Father. After that, the Holy Spirit will take over. Each time you decide to work on it, the Holy Spirit’s anointing will fall on you to give you ALL you need.
(Oh my Jesus, thank You so much! That gives me the peace I need to proceed in faith.)
…the Holy Spirit’s anointing will fall on you to give you ALL you need.