(Please help me, Lord, to do all that I am supposed to do. Thank You, I know You will.)
Dear Child, recognize when I have given you something important to live for. Many people look at their life with utter despair because they see no clear direction. They do not feel drawn one way or the other. The emptiness of nonconviction is much worse than knowing you have a job to do, not sure how to do it, but convinced that it is important and needs doing. You have a job to do! It is important! You may not see how it is going to get done, but you know unequivocally that you must accomplish your part. This is My Gift to you, the assurance of an important purpose for your life. Do not fail Me, please!
(OK, Lord, but it’s just that its been going on forever. I don’t see an end in sight because I don’t know what to do with it when I get finished. I know You will let me know one step at a time. I have to keep reminding myself of that.)
This is My Gift to you, the assurance of an inportant purpose for your life.