When you have a personal relationship with Jesus, He is in you in the person of the Holy Spirit.
You are ONE with your Lord and Savior. Spending time talking to Him, reading your Bible, and expressing your love, appreciation, and admiration for Him opens the door of communication with Him by means of the Holy Spirit living in your heart. (In this relationship, you are able to ask and call on dear Jesus for all your needs, for direction in situations, for help in times of trouble. You can call on Him to help you in ALL circumstances, no matter how small or how overwhelming.
(Jesus is your Savior, your brother, your companion every moment of your life. Please get to know Him. You will forever be thankful because, as you TRUST HIM, you get to see more and more of His Love proven to you. His Gift of Love is FREE, asking only that you TRUST His Love for you.)
You will forever be thankful!