(I received this message in 2004. Remember, a thousand years is as a day to the Lord.)
Respect each other with a Godliness that shows people who you are. I am going to be needing My Children to represent Me with more authority and with the Power that the Holy Spirit brings to those who are devoted to obeying this CALLING. There is no time to waste! Pay attention! Realize that the world is in turmoil and people are getting more and more complacent? The Father sees how the values which America was built on are fading away. There are not enough representatives standing up for My side.
Where are you hiding? Those who claim to belong to Me…..those who claim to KNOW Me, I need you to get out there and let My side be heard. Let the world know who you are and what you believe. This is not a time for silent reverence only. If you do not want your world around you to fall completely into the hands of Satan, you had better do something to let others know where you stand and get them to stand up for what they believe.
(Lord, what specifically can I do to make a difference? I really don’t know.)
You must speak of what you believe to the world around you. Make known to others that this is a time in which they must make a choice when it comes to what they will tolerate on TV in their homes and where they will draw the line when it comes to lifestyles that explicitly go against My Word, etc.
Make use of the influence you have with the people that know and admire you. Help them to look at the important issues that will affect them for all Eternity. If My Children do not represent the good, who will? Pray each day and ask Me to show you how that day you can make a difference in the lives around you for the good of the Nation of America, which once was “One Nation Under God. “
There is NO perfect government whose policies are going to meet all the people’s needs all the time, but I have always blessed America because the citizens have acknowledged Me above all other authority even as a Nation. Please listen! Do not go the way of the world becoming generic, lukewarm, without convictions so that anything goes.
This marks the destruction and downfall of the Christian Nation that has endured safely under the protection of My Heavenly Wings for a long long time. Do not abandon what you know is right to just fit in or to avoid stepping on someones toes.
STAND UP FOR ME and what you KNOW is right to save America and yourselves. The time has past when you could stand by and let others do the job of leading others to the Godly way of living. You are going to have to take this responsibility on…..each of you. COME TO ME in prayer; I will show you how. (Thank You, Holy Spirit.)
STAND UP FOR ME and what you KNOW is right to save America and yourselves.