(I overdid it today, Lord; I’m sorry. Heavenly Father, I adore You and I need You in every moment of my existence.)
My Child, if you really hold Me up as important in your life, then show Me. Get busy about My CALLING to you. Pray and fast; this will give you clarity of mind and your time will be most usefully productive. I need you more than you realize. Never mind what you see on the internet already. I have a message that is personal to mankind…..one that will touch the hearts of men.
Just do it! Don’t weigh it…..don’t wonder about it. Just do it, then I can release My Supernatural Power through your obedience. Many hearts will be changed…..softened…..because you followed My Will for your life. GET BUSY! (All right Lord, how can I possibly ignore this command? I am going to do it no matter how hard or whatever it is. However, I know You. Once I really begin and put my heart and mind into it, You will take over and show me just how to proceed. I guess I just needed imperative convincing….. sorry. T.Y.J.)
…then I can release My Supernatural Power through your obedience.