(Thank You, Father, for Your Loving Sacrifice…..for loving us this much!)
Dear Child, you are a very good reason why I gave My Son to atone for sin. You and many many others have proven that this decision was the right one because I and all of you KNOW we will be together in Heaven one day. Before My Son died for the sins of mankind, I could see there was no hope for uniting the people I created here in the Heavenly Host of Glory. Be a good servant, all of you who KNOW Me and let others see the goodness I represent. Let them see the kindness and love I represent. Let them see how they too can have My Peace, and ultimately, union with Me for all Eternity. Let your life show this Miracle of Salvation. Words do not mean anything without life’s example. Praise Me through all that life brings because I am right with you all the time watching, loving and protecting.
Words do not mean anything without life’s example.