(Thank You, Lord, for the way You work out the details of my life, when I ask Your help.)
Dear Child, you are going to face more challenges in your life, but remember I am ALWAYS in control and ALWAYS right there with you. Life on earth for My Children can be very comfortable, if they KNOW Me INTIMATELY. This is because, even when things are hard to deal with, when troubles come, they KNOW I am in control. They KNOW to look to Me, SURRENDER the situation, and to THANK and PRAISE Me, because they KNOW I would not let anything happen to them that is not in My Plan to draw them closer to Me. This is the purpose for everything because I want you with Me. I also need your help to bring others into My Family.
My Children can be peaceful, happy, and content even in trouble. All that is needed is for you to get to know Me deeply by spending time daily with Me and talking to Me throughout the moments of your day. Today will be a good example of when there are a lot of things to accomplish. You, however, gave Me TIME in prayer and worship and you asked Me to LEAD you as to what you should do today and in the best sequence.
I will and thus you will accomplish more than you thought you could. My Way is ALWAYS the best way for you. (T.Y.J.)
…if you get to know Me deeply.