Have compassion for others in your heart all the time. No matter what you see others do or not do, always give them the benefit of the doubt. Pray for them that they will listen to the Voice of God in their hearts and follow the good Path to Heaven. Pray for them instead of criticizing and getting angry. LOVE moves mountains because you cannot truly love without FAITH and TRUST in Me.
Dear Children, the world has so many areas of deceit, but if you live with Me, then you can be relaxed because of your honesty and good living. My Grace is sufficient for you to live as you should. Stay close to Me and listen to My teaching to experience My Power of Love overshadowing you. Remember to be above board in all your dealings. My Grace is sufficient and My Promises of all you need being provided is still standing. Life in Me is prosperous and peaceful…..exciting, but peaceful.
My Grace is sufficient for you to live as you should.