(I lift those I love up to you for help. T.Y.J.)
Honor Me above all else and then your life will reflect My Life. Everyone you deal with daily has some kind of trouble or someone they love does. Your reflection of Me can touch them so that they can deal with or advise their loved one’s to deal with their problems looking at Me. Your lives speak volumes.
Be aware of this always. You are being observed, so let My Life in you shine for other’s to be inspired and uplifted…..guided. There is nothing you can do to affect other’s more than LOVING THEM right where they are. LOVE leaves a deep lasting impression because LOVE is most needed of all.
It answers every need a person has. LOVE covers all that you need, so pray to be able to LOVE purely, unselfishly, humbly. My LOVE living inside you can change lives; just freely give it to everyone. Desire more LOVE and I will give you more to give away in My Name.
There is nothing you can do to affect others more than LOVING THEM right where they are.