Holy Almighty God, our lives are in Your Hands.
(We are at Your Mercy. The world around us wants to encourage everyone to live freely anyway they want. The problem with that is human nature is rotten at the core. Man may speak and act like he is living as a good person, but inwardly he is fighting his true nature or releasing it freely.
(We are not capable of being good for each other without God inspiring us. Our tendency is to go with whatever feels good at the time. Left on our own, we will always destroy ourselves. We need the Love of God in our hearts to be able to love others and treat others with love.)
Dear Child, do not be fooled by the lies the world utters. They will take you down with them. I, on the other hand, offer you the Holy Spirit to guide your decisions for living a life doing good. I offer the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ, My Son, who wants so much to share His Love with you. He gave His life that you may share in His Eternal Life in heaven when you die. The Father, Almighty God, loved you that much to sacrifice His Son for you. Wake up before it is too late!
Wake up before it is too late!