Dear Child, life as you know it is going to change because man will not listen to Almighty God.
Even My Children, many of them, condone the evil practices Satan is promoting as freedom for all. Yes, man is free to live doing good because good living produces good actions. But freedom to do evil ultimately puts man in bondage. Selfishness and evil brings on pain, suffering, unhappiness, depression, and loss of vitality. It is simply a DECEPTION. I cannot and will not allow this to go on.
IF I would, man would fall deeper and deeper in despair because sin destroys the heart and soul. Man was created to love and be loved. Sin turns man inward and takes away freedom. It promotes me, myself, and I. It is the opposite of love. I cannot allow this because I am LOVE. I created man to share in this LOVE. If I do not get man’s attention, he will be lost to Satan forever.
Please, all of you, wake up!
Please, all of you, wake up!