(Lord, I am thanking You ahead of time for helping me to accomplish what You’ve asked me to do.) Remember to act on what I put on your heart. Do not hesitate to share the Holy Spirit’s powerful Words with whomever I have put on your heart. My timing is PERFECT, so do not let My Words ly unused as this person needs them NOW. I do not want to have to convince My Children about this every time there is something that needs to be done for others, which is ultimately for My Kingdom of Souls. The Word I gave you a couple of days ago for another of My Children must be delivered for her growth and in order to accomplish all that I have for her to do for the Kingdom of Souls. Rest assured, her Blessings will be magnificient and her life will have Divine Purpose, not just in word, but in action. She is needed in the fight for Life Everlasting in the lives of many many hungry lost souls. Thank you dear Children; I love you and need you to carry on for Me. You can make a tremendous difference by just carrying out the tasks as I give them to you.
Live in Divine Obedience; there you will find Me waiting.