(Holy God, we praise Thy Name!)
Dear Child, having been aware of Me, believing in me, praying to Me, and sharing Me with others for most of your life, I have proven that even when a person falls very short of My desire for them, even though they fail to always live in My Will, My Best for them, I NEVER STOP LOVING and CALLING them to COME INTO MY ARMS, MY KINGDOM, so I can Bless them fully according to the Father’s Plan. None of you are too bad, too sinful, too hateful, selfish, or worse to COME TO ME and RECEIVE MY FORGIVENESS. I am actually waiting for you with open arms. I love you even in your sin. I want to wipe your slate perfectly clean.
COME TO ME with sorrow for your sins. ASK ME to come into your heart. I WILL! You will then be under construction–gently guided, encouraged, enlightened, and inspired. As you read My Word, you will grow closer to Me into the loving Child the Father already sees. This is the ultimate purpose of your birth: to spend Eternity with Me in Heaven in Peace, Love and Everlasting Glory with the Father by choosing and trusting Me over the ways of the world.
I am actually waiting for you with open arms.