(Dear Lord, I pray that whatever You decide for mankind at this time in history, that it be to Glorify Your Name, Your Goodness, Your Love and Faithfulness to those who Believe and Stand up for YOU.)
Dear Child, from the time of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Noah, and David, to the present time, I have EXPECTED man to STAND with Me in difficult times and in their DECISION to OBEY Me. All the way back, I answered them when they asked Me what to do….when they accepted and believed….TRUSTED….My answer and OBEYED. They ALWAYS succeeded, were blessed, and pleased the Father.
To this day, I have never changed. TODAY, you are EXPECTED to ASK, TRUST, and OBEY. I will ALWAYS lead you to a blessing when you follow My Will in a situation. Why? Because I want to show you how faithful to My Word that I am. I want to show you how to have CONFIDENCE and PEACE through any problems you face. I am ALWAYS with you.
If you stay CLOSE in touch with Me, you will KNOW that you can approach My Throne and ask for guidance night and day. You will KNOW that I will answer you, telling you to go this way or that, to do this or not, to say this or not. Ask Me, I will answer you. When you are CLOSE to Me everyday, you will KNOW My Voice in your heart. Be at Peace, I am your Father, dear Children of the King.
When you are CLOSE to Me everyday, you will KNOW….