Dear Child, your obedience will not be in vain.
I will open the heart ‘s of those who, underneath their pain, truly desire to forgive. As you have asked, My Grace will replace what Satan has in evil planted. The prayers of My Children are heard and the power in My son Jesus ‘ name destroys the attempts of Satan. Through your obedience, following My instructions and examples in My Word, Satan has been defeated.
Now, live with assurance that the bonds of unforgiveness for whom you prayed have been broken and are being replace with My Grace and a completely new and fresh perspective—a Divine perspective. My Promise to replace evil with good is TRUE in every sense of the word. I am TRUTH and all GOODNESS! I keep My Word and I stand by My Trusting Children in good times and bad. I love those you are praying for even more than you ever could. (Lord God, You are totally incredible! That’s all there is to it! TYJ)
In My Word, Satan has been defeated!