(Thank You for Your constant help to stay focused on Your Love and Forgiveness.)
(We can have Your Grace over us all through life, if we will choose to fill up with thoughts of PRAISE and TRUST in YOUR LOVE. Lord Jesus, please help those who are struggling with unforgiveness, because in this state of mind, Your GRACE cannot abide. In this state, we have left ourselves completely alone and unprotected by the promises You have given us, like in Psalm 91. It says, “If I dwell in the secret place of the MOST HIGH, I shall ABIDE in the shadow of the ALMIGHTY. He shall DELIVER me from every trap of the devil. He shall COVER me with His feathers and UNDER His Wings, I shall take REFUGE. “
(In the STATE OF UNFORGIVENESS, we are giving Satan free reign to attack and destroy us either mentally, physically, monetarily, family relationships, and any other horrible way you can think of. Is it worth it to hold onto the sickness of unforgiveness? Are we really that self-arrogant to think that our wrong doings are any less disgusting to our Savior?
(Jesus sees sin as sin, no matter what sin it is. He, however, forgives any and all sin with the same demonstrative open-armed, heart-warming LOVE without exception. So who are we to judge anyone? He clearly says to rebuke Satan’s lies and get under the mantle of Grace and live in LOVING FORGIVENESS to receive all the Blessings He has planned for us.
(If we believe in SALVATION, then we must live in LOVING FORGIVENSS. Ask, He will give us the Grace to do it. We can do nothing of ourselves. That ‘s why He suffered such gruesome torture to pay the price for our sins. To not forgive is to slap Jesus in the face, telling Him what He went through didn’t cover whatever we haven’t forgiven.)
(To not forgive is to slap Jesus in the face, telling Him what He went through didn’t cover whatever we haven’t forgiven.)