(Oh my Lord and my God, we have so much to be thankful for. Thank You for healing my brother-in-law completely. Is there anything You want to tell me, Lord?) Yes Child, I want to remind you of what I have put in your heart and what you have said to Me about it. You told Me you wanted to dedicate the rest of your life to service for Me, but I am not getting that service from you lately. I have only asked you to accomplish something for Me each day, however small, but something. However, there are many days that go by when you have not been willing to give me even one hour. Please look at your days honestly and rethink how you spend your time. Putting Me FIRST should always be your priority, no matter what is going on in your busy life. Remember, none of the other activities are important at the end of your life on earth…..when you meet the Father face to face. Rememer this: only your OBEDIENCE and LOVE will matter.
Only your OBEDIENCE and LOVE will matter.