I am Calling and few are listening. Heed the instructions I give you concerning the right way to live. In the END, everything you DO, THINK and SAY will be REVEALED before the Father and YOU WILL HAVE TO LISTEN THEN. Today, begin to ask the Holy Spirit to remind you to say My Name, Jesus, so that you can live according to My Word in anticipation of that final day when you will stand before your Creator.
On this earth, you have many responsibilities, but IF YOU NEGLECT THIS ONE, you have FAILED at life. This one is the real test. PLEASE LISTEN TO ME! I love you and I want you to be all that the Father sees in you. He sees only the good in you because He created you to share His Kingdom.
With Me in your heart and My Name on your lips, the Holy Spirit can guide you to a life of LOVE, FORGIVENESS, KINDNESS and DEVOTION to SERVICE. Joy and fulfillment on this earth will be your present reward, but all of Heaven awaits your full concept of what OBEDIENCE will bring you for all Eternity.
…if you neglect this one, you have FAILED at life.