Reigning in Heaven over all the earth, the Father expects His Chosen, those from the beginning, to be about His Business, not the worlds business only. Carry with you, all the time, the shield of FAITH. With this shield you are equipped to provide any service I CALL on you to do for me.
We are in battle! The enemy is fighting for the souls of men with greater momentum than ever before. Mankind is more educated than ever before and satan is using this against them. Satan is leading mankind to put all their stock in themselves when he knows that means doom and gloom, not only unhappiness and strife, but loss for all Eternity.
My Children, you must be vigilant. Be alert for My leading to bring the LIGHT into the world of darkness so many live in. I am not going to mislead you. Your actions will always be backed by My strength and My Angels will always go before you and behind you to protect you. Do everything with LOVE and KINDNESS! I never forced or belittled anyone while on this earth telling about My Father and the Kingdom. I just simply told the TRUTH of His LOVE and PLAN of SALVATION for all ETERNITY. Each man has a freewill to choose to believe and accept Me or not. Those who are stubborn and won ‘t let go of their lives, unfortunately, I cannot help. My heart sorrows for them, but I cannot force them to trust Me. I love them still. I don ‘t want to loose them. If only they would decide to TRUST Me; I would let them feel My LOVE immediately!!!
The enemy is fighting for the souls of men with greater momentum than ever before.