(Today Lord, I ask You, with strong FAITH ASSURANCE as I ask, to not let my husband suffer anymore in his life, to have anymore surgeries either and that You will take him Home to You before he looses his independence. I ask this for all my brothers and sisters and their wives and husbands also and myself. I prayed this for my mother and you answered. Thank You! You said, “Ask, having NO DOUBT, BELIEVING what you ask and you shall have it.” So, I am going to live in Thanks and Praise for these Miracles until they come to pass. Thank You, Jesus, for Your Promises because I KNOW they are TRUE!)
Prepare to expand your duties. Yes, I know you are saying, “What…MORE? ” Yes, you are living for service to the Father of Creation and there is much to do. The question is…..will you do it or sit on it wondering…..doubting My Words to you again? Let Me explain something to you. You have got all the talents needed to perform any task I ask of you. I have already seen to that. Your only big aspect is OBEDIENCE. Go about telling others of My Plan to save them through the Scriptures…..the Key to Life. I am really not going to wait much longer; time is running out. Be diligent in making the message of Salvation known to everyone you meet. This is not always convenient, but this is your task now. You must propagate awareness of the importance of making this decision…..to give Me their life…..to ask Me to come into their hearts. The Holy Spirit will always give you the Words and opportunity, if you only ASK. OBEY this commmand directly from the Father!
The Holy Spirit will always give you the Words and opportunity, if you only ASK.