(Father in Heaven, thank You for speaking to my heart.)
My Children must take Me more seriously. The time is drawing to a close. I am not speaking figuratively. The world has become intolerable to the Father. He has given man time and more time to turn to Him. He is sending Me back soon. This is not just your imagination. Remember, you can trust My Words to you in prayer. I will not allow the devil to trick you or confuse you when you are in My Presence. He is NOT ALLOWED IN HERE WITH US. (Oh, thank You, Jesus!)
Now, be diligent in the tasks assigned you like never before. I cannot do anything but CALL. It is up to you to take Me seriously and obey. If not, you will suffer the consequences. This is not a threat; THIS IS A FACT.
The Father is loving, but just and unwavering concerning OBEDIENCE.