Dear children, My Love for you, for all of you, exceeds every possible perception of what you think love is and means. My Love encompasses every ideal your heart craves. I will fill that place in your heart that cries out for genuine unconditional love.
Note this: I loved you, dear children, even before you were conceived. I knew you; I cared about you. I loved you so much that I gave you the FREEDOM to love Me back o ot. I did not demand or expect your love. I gave you a freewill to choose. I have provided a way for you to spend all Eternity with Me, if you choose to. I presented My son, Jesus, as a sacrifice to pay for your sins so that you would be washed clean, forgiven, holy, and worthy of forever living in the Presence of Almighty God in you ew home in Heaven forever and ever. This is how much I love you even BEFORE you decide to love Me too.
Time is running out and this is the most imperative decision you must make in your entire lifetime. And, IF YOU NEVER MAKE A STAND NOW IN LIFE, IN DEATH, IT WILL BE DECIDED FOR YOU.
Not choosing Salvation in Jesus Christ is choosing death to your soul, which is DAMNATION.
I do not want this for anyone. Come to Me and let Me give you LIFE. I give It freely.
Come to Me and let Me give you LIFE.