My Child, hold up your head with confidence in all you do.
There is only one you. I have made you, and each of My Children, very special. As long as you seek and desire to follow Me and my Will for your life, My Blessings will flow over you, around you and from you. Yes, others will be Blessed because you are being Blessed. Always consider what is coming from you. Always be conscious of the impact you leave on others around you. With My Name on your lips and in your heart, others will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit residing inside you. There is no time in history more important than now to spread the love and goodness of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Other’s souls depend on it. Do not let them down by getting caught up in all the worldly, time consuming, unimportant matters. Be diligently focussed on the PURPOSE for which you were created…..that of bringing HONOR and GLORY to your Father in Heaven. Live to serve and your Blessings will always far exceed you eed. (T.Y.J.)
Always be conscious of the impact you leave on others around you.