(Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit for Blessing me so wonderfully with twenty four years with my special husband. You told me in 1975 that you had the man picked out for me and that he would be a Born-Again Christian already and would love me exactly the way I am. In 1979, that prophesy came true and today twenty four years later, there could not have been anyone better for me in all the world. Thank You so much for all the Blessings You have given us through these years and for bringing us through the hardships with Your Peace in our hearts.)
My Child, making Me FIRST in your lives is what allowed Me to shower you with the Blessings from your Father ‘s storehouse. The Blessings for My Children are there waiting for your obedient, reverent devotion. See Me in everything, everywhere, all the time; I am with you all the time. You only need to STOP, LOOK UP to Me, CALL on Me; I will take care of you always and forever. You know that on this earth, to use the words…..always, never, forever….is a mistake. BUT, the Divine Creator All Knowing Father can because He SEES all, KNOWS all. You can ALWAYS BELIEVE and COUNT ON His Promises to you. Go in Peace and Serve!
The Blessings for My Children are there waiting for your obedient, reverent devotion.